Rules and Regulations

Rules & Regulations (ALL participants MUST read the following terms and accept them upon registration.)


  1. Runners are requested to follow the instruction by the event organizer. Otherwise, he/she will be disqualified from the participation in the race.
  2. The event organizer will not be liable to any detriments caused by the followings:
    (1) Loss and/or damage of personal property
    (2) Illness or other accidents (excluding emergency treatment)
    (3) Late arrival to the race due to trouble with public transportation and/or poor road conditions
  1. The event organizer will provide first aid to injury and illness during the race event.
  2. Copyright of images, photographs, articles, race records, and location information, covering the event,
    and their usage right for TV broadcasting, newspapers, magazines and the Internet, belongs to the event organizer.
  3. In recognition of the importance of protecting personal data, the event organizer abides by all laws and ordinances concerning the protection of personal data and adheres to the event organizer's privacy policy when handling personal data.
  4. The event organiser reserves the right to cancel or cut short the event for the following reasons:
  • adverse weather conditions & landslides or hill fires along the course
  • protests or blockage along the course
  • force majeure i.e. due to occurrence of incidents that are beyond the control of the organiser and which renders it impossible, unsafe or impractical to hold the event. A force majeure event shall include, but is not limited to, act of God, war, hostilities, invasion, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, riot, commotion, strikes, go-slows, lock outs or disorder, blocked or inaccessible roads or trails, outbreak of disease, acts or threats of terrorism.
  1. Should the event be cancelled due to weather or other circumstances beyond the control of the organiser or in the case of a force majeure resulting in the event being cancelled, no refund will be made. The event organiser shall have no other responsibilities and/or liabilities.


  1. Participants must complete the marked course on foot under their own power; short cuts are strictly prohibited.
  2. Race numbers must always be visible on the outside of clothing (at the front).
  3. Participants are required to be semi self-sufficient. You must have your mandatory equipment with you at all times during the race. Mandatory equipment will be announced on our website.
  4. Outside assistance is only permitted at the checkpoints. Support crews are only permitted at the checkpoints. Support outside the checkpoints is not allowed, except in an emergency. There is, however, no restriction on buying drinks/food from the shops, restaurants, hawkers and vending machines along the route.
  5. For the avoidance of doubt, participants are not allowed to be accompanied along the course by anybody who has not entered into the event.
  6. You must always obey directions of checkpoint staff and course marshals. If you miss any cut-off times you must withdraw from the race as instructed.
  7. Breaking any of the rules may incur a time penalty or disqualification. Any such penalties are at the organisers’ discretion and are final.
  8. If you withdraw from the event, you must inform event officials at the closest checkpoint (unless assisted from the course by first aid crews).
  9. Refreshments at the checkpoints are reserved for runners only.
  10. If you need first aid help on the course you must use the phone numbers printed on your race bib to contact event organisers who will make every effort to retrieve you.
  11. Littering & damaging or disturbing any flora or fauna are strictly prohibited.
  12. The participant is responsible for the actions of their support crew. Support crews must comply with all instructions from event staff and officials. The participant may be penalised or disqualified for actions or breaches of the rules by their support crew.
  13. Support crews must follow the instructions of all checkpoint staff including requests to vacate certain sections of the checkpoint area. The event organisers are not responsible for the safety or whereabouts of support crew.
  14. All complaints of misconduct or breach of rules, objection about the result must be report to event officials / Race Director within 1 hour of the arrival of the participant concerned. Any ruling made by the Race Director will be final and without appeal.
  15. Ensure your own safety and that of others. Be considerate of other trail and road users at all times. Take great care when crossing or running on roads.
  16. Trailblazer Sports Gear Company Limited has its own public liability insurance. This does not include personal accident of participants. We recommend that you have your own personal accident cover.
  17. The organisers reserve the right to make changes to the event rules and requirements, route and/or other arrangements as they deem appropriate.
  18. Participants must provide true and accurate information to the organisers. Any wilful dishonesty may render a participant's entry invalid and the organisers reserve the right to amend and / or cancel such participant's entry without compensation.