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CAN RUN 2023!

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CAN RUN 2023 限定紀念品 | Exclusive Merchandise

CAN RUN 2023 抓毛連帽外套 Fleece Hoodie
搶先預訂 Available for pre-order

極受歡迎的CAN RUN連帽外套,外百搭內保暖; 個性化設計包括胸前CAN RUN繡章、左手袖及背面具反光效果CAN RUN字樣/圖案;棉質及聚酯纖維物料製造,兩側加深口袋位、高領口拉鏈連帽設計,以防吹親暖笠笠,今年選取中性墨綠配色,男女均合。

網店預訂詳情 (數量有限,滿額即止)

預訂價 HKD330/件 (每售一件,Trailblazer會捐贈港幣50元予基督教正生書院),預訂至2023年10月15日止,暫定12月內到貨 (以大會通知取貨為準,訂單確認後,恕不安排取消。)

The 2023 limited edition CAN RUN hoodies is now opened for pre-order. This beautiful and comfortable hoodie is made from fleece.

Online store pre-order details (Limited quantities)

Pre-order price at HKD330 each (For every hoodie purchased, Trailblazer will donate HKD50 to Christian Zheng Sheng College.) Pre-order will end on 2023 Oct 15. Expected delivery is mid Dec. Details will be announced when the hoodie is ready.