Copy of CAN RUN 2020 for CANRUN 2021


Stay Tuned!

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Why we run with “CAN” | 因為罐頭,所以起跑

The idea of “CAN RUN” originated from the food banks on the island at Zheng Sheng College where “CAN food” is required to feed their students and staff under extreme weather conditions, when no public transportation is available to replenish their food supply. The word “CAN” represents both “CAN” food as well as Trailblazer’s belief that everybody “CAN” RUN!


基督教正生書院校舍位置偏遠,因惡劣天氣、交通不便有機會導致“斷水斷糧”,罐頭“食物銀行”能夠緩衝應付全校師生及職員在極端情況下的膳食需要。所以,“CAN RUN” 越野山跑賽其一意思為正生書院籌罐頭,其二是 Trailblazer 正面鼓勵 “人人能跑” 的信念。


Highlights of CAN RUN | CAN RUN 亮點

Inspired by the Barkley Marathons, one of the most challenging ultra trail races in the world, we have incorporated some of the Barkley Marathons’ features into the CAN RUN, such as collecting book pages. We also add in local feature such as carrying a “CAN food” from the starting line all through the race to the finish line, etc.


CAN RUN 的啟發來自被喻為史上難度極高、成功完成率極低的美國超馬越野賽 The Barkley Marathons 巴克利馬拉松,採納的元素包括:
  • 比賽需收集書頁,完成指定“任務”
  • 加上本地特色 - 每名參加者必須捐出並攜帶至少 1 罐罐頭進行賽事至終點



Following last year’s zealous CAN RUN 2019 to support Christian Zheng Sheng College, let us join hands again this year to build a “can hill” with love and power!


2020年希望延續大家對 CAN RUN 的熱情和對受惠團體基督教正生書院的支持 — 今年座 “罐頭山” 點少得你/妳嗰罐!




CAN RUN 2020

Race Details | 賽事詳情

CAN RUN 2020 has 3 different trail running routes, 4 km, 10 km & 21 km; Each runner is required to carry at least one “CAN food” from start to finish. The can food will be donated to the food bank at Christian Zheng Sheng College. Apart from the can food, runners are also required to collect book pages at designated areas. At the finishing point, both the CAN food and book pages will be checked to mark the completion of the run. Prizes will be granted to the first 3 runners or groups of runners who meet the above requirements. (The expiry date for the CAN food should be after Dec 2020)

CAN RUN 2020 越野山跑賽一共有 3 條賽道,分別為 4 公里、10 公里及21 公里。每名參加者須捐出並攜帶至少 1 罐罐頭由起點至終點,大會將捐贈予基督教正生書院食物銀行。每隊亦須在大會賽道的指定位置搜集書頁,與罐頭一同帶到終點衝線完成。以最佳時間成功完成的頭3名/隊伍將成為該組別的冠、亞及季軍得主。(罐頭有效期須在2020年12月以後)


 Tentative Race Date: Dec 5, 2020 (Saturday)
Time:8:30 – 16:00


暫定賽事日期:2020年12月5日 (星期六)





Route – 4km (GPX File)


Start (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd) → Tai Tam Management Centre → Tai Tam Reservoir Road → Dam of the Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir → Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Dam → Tai Tam Family Walk → Tai Tam Management Centre → Finish (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd)

起點大潭燒烤區2號場[陽明山莊步行500米] → 大潭管理站 → 大潭水塘道 → 大潭水塘(港島徑6段) → 柏架山上引水道 → 終點回程沿路需走大潭家樂徑經大潭管理站回起/終點


Book page collection point:TBC


Cut off time:Within 2 hours




Route – 10km (GPX File)



Start (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd) → Tai Tam Management Centre → Tai Tam Reservoir Road → Dam of the Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir → Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Dam → CP Quarry Gap Pavilion → Mount Parker → Mount Butler → Jardine’s Lookout → Finish (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd)

起點大潭燒烤區2號場[陽明山莊步行500米] 大潭管理站 → 大潭水塘道 → 大潭水塘(港島徑6) 柏架山上引水道 → 水站大風坳 → 柏架山 → 畢拿山 → 渣甸山 → 起/終點


Book page collection point:TBC


Cut off time:Within 4 hours




Route – 21km (GPX File)



Start (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd) → Violet Hill → Tze Kong Bridge → The Twins → Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir → Tai Tam Upper Dam → Boa Vista → CP Quarry Gap Pavilion → Mount Parker → Mount Parker Road → Quarry Bay Jogging Trail → Wilson Trail Sec.2 → Hong Kong Trail Sec.5 → Jardine’s Lookout → Finish (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd)

起點大潭燒烤區2號場[陽明山莊步行500米] → 紫羅蘭山 → 紫崗橋 → 孖崗山 → 大潭篤水塘 → 大潭水塘 → 野豬徑 → 水站大風坳 → 柏架山 → 柏架山道 → 鰂魚涌緩跑徑 → 衛徑2→ 港島徑5→ 渣甸山 → 起/終點


Book page collection point:TBC



Cut off time:Within 6.5 hours




Race Information | 比賽詳情


Application period 報名日期:
1. Early Bird Special deadline: Nov 08, 2020 (10% off) / 早鳥報名: 2020年11月08日止 (9折優惠)
2. Deadline for application: Nov 20, 2020 / 截止報名日期:2020年11月20日止

Distance (km)
距離 (公里)

Age Requirement
(on Race Day)

Details 詳情 Entrance Fee*
報名費 *
Single (M/F)
單人 (男/女)

2-4 Person Team#


2-5 Person Team#


4 km Individual 個人組 18 years old or above
per person(每人)

Winner, 1st & 2nd runner up for each Division-Distance#

每組組別冠軍, 亞軍及季軍#


All finishers will be given a CAN RUN 2020 Finisher Towel at the finish line.

所有成功完賽者,將可獲大會於終點派發CAN RUN 2020精美完賽毛巾乙條。

Group 隊際組
Family 親子組 Adult: 18 years old or above
Children: 6 ~ 14 years old^
成人: 18歲或以上
兒童: 6-14歲^
10 km Individual 個人組 18 years old or above
per person(每人)
Group 隊際組
Family 親子組 Adult: 18 years old or above
Children: 6 ~ 14 years old^
成人: 18歲或以上
兒童: 6-14歲^
21 km Individual 個人組 18 years old or above
per person(每人)
Group 隊際組
# Teams' finishing time will be based on the average time of all team members recorded at the Finish Point.

# 隊際完成時間將會採用所有隊員到達終點的平均時間。

* All proceeds will be donated to Christian Zheng Sheng College after deduction of expense.

* 所有收入扣除開支後將全數撥歸正生書院。

^Children must be accompanied by at least one adult.

^ 兒童必須由一名成人陪同。




Rundown on Race Day | 比賽日流程表

07:30 Registration & Can Check
Drop-bag service is available to all participants.^
08:15 Starting Ceremony
08:30 21km Individual & Group Start Time
Individual, 2~5-person Team
個人, 2~5人隊
08:45 10km Individual, Family & Group Start Time
Individual, 2~4-person Team, 2~5-person Team
個人, 2~4人隊, 2~5人隊
09:00 4km Individual, Family & Group Start Time
11:00 4km Cut-off Time
12:45 10km Cut-off Time
13:30 CP Quarry Gap Pavilion Closed
15:00 21km Cut-off Time
^ Drop-bag Regulations 行李寄存守則:
1. Each participant can store ONE well-packed luggage; valuable, breakable and flammable items are restricted.
2. The Organizer is not responsible for any damages or loss during handling, transiting and storage of any luggage.
3. The Organizer has the right to re-organize luggage storage arrangement during any special situation or adverse weather.


Race Pack Pick-up Arrangement | 選手包之領取安排

The Organizer will notify participants by email to collect their race packs.
Nov 30, 2020 (SAT)
09:00-18:00 TRAILBLAZER
Unit 308, 3/F, BLK B, Po Lung Centre, 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay.
Dec 2 ~ 5, 2020 (MON ~ THU)
Note 注意:
Race pack pick-up will not be available on Race Day. Participants, who are not able to collect their race packs within the above schedule, can pick up the race packs at our shop on or after Dec 11, 2020 during office hours.
比賽單日不設領取選手包服務. 參賽者如未能於以上期間領取選手包,可于12月11日或之後于辦公時間内親臨本店領取。


Race Pack | 選手包


(Image for reference only)

  • Drawstring Bag | 索繩袋
  • CAN RUN Buff | CAN RUN 多用途頭巾
  • CAN RUN Water Bottle | CAN RUN 水樽
  • 2Tom Shield Trial Pack | 2Tom 防磨劑試用裝
  • Trailblazer Coupon | Trailblazer 購物優惠券
  • "My Meat Run Buddy" Restaurant Coupon | "走肉朋友"餐廳優惠券
  • Champion System Coupon | Champion System 優惠券
  • Who’s Aromist Insect Repellent | Who’s Aromist 驅蚊蟲劑

    Registration | 比賽報名