CAN RUN 2023

CAN RUN 2023
CAN RUN 2018 & 2019 實體跑 | Physical Race
CAN RUN 2020-2022 線上跑 | Virtual Run
CAN RUN 2023 實體跑 | 線上跑 Physical Race | Virtual Run
“CAN” 令你/妳想起什麼?
“CAN RUN”的 “CAN” 其一指罐頭,其二鼓勵人人能跑的正能量,集競賽與慈善兼備的山跑活動。「罐頭跑」始於支持受惠機構基督教正生書院,正生位於大嶼山芝麻灣半島的校舍位置偏遠,如遇上惡劣天氣引起交通不便,大大影響校內正常運作、導致“斷水斷糧”,校內自設“食物銀行”主要存放罐頭類食物;因此CAN RUN “傳統”同時為正生籌罐頭,幫助全校師生及職員的膳食需要。
What is the meaning of “CAN” to you?
The idea of “CAN RUN” originated from the food banks on the island at Christian Zheng Sheng College where “CAN food” is required to feed their students and staff under extreme weather conditions, when no public transportation is available to replenish their food supply. The word “CAN” represents both “CAN” food as well as Trailblazer’s belief that everybody “CAN” RUN!

CAN RUN 亮點 | Highlights of CAN RUN
CAN RUN 的啟發來自被喻為史上難度極高、成功完成率極低的美國超馬越野賽 The Barkley Marathons 巴克利馬拉松,採納的元素包括:
比賽需收集書頁,完成指定 “任務”
加上本地特色 - 每名參加者必須捐出並攜帶至少 1 罐罐頭進行賽事至終點
Inspired by the Barkley Marathons, one of the most challenging ultra trail races in the world, we have incorporated some of the Barkley Marathons’ features into the CAN RUN, such as collecting book pages. We also add in local feature such as carrying a “CAN food” from the starting line all through the race to the finish line, etc.

CAN RUN 大使 Ambassadors
非常榮幸今年邀得陸駿光 Alan、梁雍婷 Rachel及黃梓樂 Sean為2023 CAN RUN 大使,有三位大使支持咁多位大朋友小朋友,更一齊參加4公里親子跑幫正生書院籌款籌罐頭!!
活動資料 | Event Details
日期 2023年12月2日 (星期六)
地點 港島大潭郊野公園 (起點: 大潭燒烤區二號場)
時間 上午八時正至下午二時正
實體跑 組別 4公里親子組 / 4公里個人組 / 10公里個人組 / ** 取消 ** 20公里個人組
實體跑 要求 每名參加者須攜帶1罐罐頭進行賽事,收集書頁並將罐頭帶到終點衝線方算完成;親子組即以全員衝線計。(罐頭有效期建議在2024年12月以後)
線上跑 路線 「大會路線」 或 「個人自定」
線上跑 組別 4公里個人組 / 10公里個人組
線上跑 要求 參加者成功報名後以一次性完成所選路線,將打卡相/完成記錄截圖於2023年12月2日前上載到大會連結, 最後於限期內到九龍灣Trailblazer領取跑手包及捐罐頭方算完成。
Race Date: Dec 2, 2023 (Saturday)
Starting point : Hong Kong Tai Tam Country Park BBQ Area Site 2
Time: 08:00 – 14:00
Physical Race Categories: 4km Family / 4km Individual / 10km Individual / ** Cancelled ** 20km Individual
Requirements: Run throughout the race with a CAN and collect book pages at dedicated collection points; carry both CAN and book pages to the finishing point to complete the race (recommended expiry date for the CAN – December 2024 or later)
Virtual Run: Official route or “Make-Your-Own-Route”
Virtual Run Categories: 4km Individual / 10km Individual
1. All finishers are required to take photo/upload the finished record on or before Dec 2, 2023 to the LINK provided.
2. All finishers can collect their Race Pack on designated period at the Trailblazer shop and at the same time donate their CAN foods.
大會路線 | Route
(The official route might be amended according to the latest conditions of the trails. Please follow our Can Run website/Facebook page for any update.)
4公里 | 4km (GPX File)
起點大潭燒烤區2號場[陽明山莊步行500米] → (右轉) 大潭管理站 → 大潭水塘道 → 大潭水塘(港島徑6段) → 柏架山上引水道路牌 → 沿路回程跑回起/終點
Start (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd) → Tai Tam Management Centre → Tai Tam Reservoir Road → Dam of the Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir → Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Dam → Tai Tam Management Centre → Finish (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd)
10公里 (更新 30/10/2023) | 10km (Updated on Oct 30, 2023) (GPX File)
起點大潭燒烤區2號場[陽明山莊步行500米] → 大潭管理站 → 大潭水塘道 → 大潭水塘(港島徑6段) → 柏架山上引水道路牌 → 水站大風坳 → 柏架山 → 畢拿山(港島徑5段) → 渣甸山 → 起/終點
Start (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd) → Tai Tam Management Centre → Tai Tam Reservoir Road → Dam of the Tai Tam Byewash Reservoir → Tai Tam Upper Reservoir Dam → CP Quarry Gap Pavilion → Mount Parker → Mount Butler → Jardine’s Lookout → Finish (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd)
** 取消 ** 20公里 | ** Cancelled ** 20km (GPX File)
起點大潭燒烤區2號場[陽明山莊步行500米] → 紫羅蘭山 → 紫崗橋 → 孖崗山 (衛奕信徑1段) → 孖崗山引水道 → 大潭篤水塘 → 水站大潭上水塘 → 野豬徑 → 大風坳涼亭 → 畢拿山(港島徑5段) → 渣甸山 → 起/終點
Start (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd) → Violet Hill → Tze Kong Bridge → The Twins (Wilson Trail Sec.1) → The Twins Catch Water → Tai Tam Tuk Reservoir → CP Tai Tam Upper Dam → Boa Vista → Quarry Gap Pavilion → Mount Butler → Jardine’s Lookout → Finish (BBQ site no.2 500m along Tai Tam Reservoir Rd)
報名 | Registration
早鳥報名首80名可獲精美禮品乙份 | Early Bird Special (complimentary gift for the first 80 particpants ONLY) 早鳥截止報名日期: 2023年9月30日止 | Deadline for Early Bird Special: Sep 30, 2023 實體跑 截止報名日期: 2023年10月31日止 | Deadline for Physical Race: Oct 31, 2023 線上跑 截止報名日期: 2023年12月2日止 | Deadline for Virtual Run: Dec 2, 2023 |
距離 (公里) Distance (km) |
組別 Division |
年齡 (至比賽當日) Age Requirement (on Race Day) |
報名費* (實體/線上) Registration Fee* (Physical/Virtual) |
實體跑時限 Physical Race Cut-off Time |
實體跑 每組組別冠軍, 亞軍及季軍 Winner, 1st & 2nd runner up for each Division-Distance (Physical Race ONLY) |
4km | 親子組 Family# (只限實體跑; Physical Race ONLY) |
成人: 18歲或以上 兒童: 6-17歲^ Adult: 18 years old or above Children: 6 ~ 17 years old^ |
HKD450/每人 (per person) |
2小時 Within 2 hours |
個人組 Individual | 18歲或以上 18 years old or above |
10km | 個人組 Individual | HKD590/每人 (per person) |
4小時 Within 4 hours |
20km ** Cancelled ** |
個人組 Individual (只限實體跑; Physical Race ONLY) |
HKD650/每人 (per person) |
6.5小時 Within 6.5 hours |
*每名成功報名之費用,當中不少於港幣$50元正會作捐款;以及是次活動收益扣除必要開支後,大會將全數撥捐至基督教正生書院。 #親子組完成時間將會採用最後隊員到達終點的時間。 ^兒童必須由一名成人陪同。 |
Rundown on Race Day | 比賽日流程表
時間 Time |
內容 Details |
備註 Remarks |
08:00 | 登記領取號碼布及確認裝備 Registration & Can Check |
大會行李寄存供所有參賽者使用^ Drop-bag service is available to all participants.^ |
08:45 | 啓步禮 Starting Ceremony | |
09:00 | 10公里起跑 10km Start Time | 個人組 Individual |
09:05 | 4公里起跑 4km Start Time | 個人及親子組 Individual & Family |
11:00 | 4公里及10公里頒獎儀式 Award Ceremony for 4km & 10km groups | |
11:15 | 4公里個人及親子組完成時限 4km Cut-off Time | |
12:00 | 補給站大風坳涼亭關閉 CP Quarry Gap Pavilion Closed | |
13:00 | 10公里完成時限 10km Cut-off Time | |
^ Drop-bag Regulations 行李寄存守則: 1. Each participant can store ONE well-packed luggage; valuable, breakable and flammable items are restricted. |
跑手包 | Race Pack
The Organizer will notify participants by email to collect their race packs.
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*********************************** 頭400名成功報名(10km & 20km)參加者可額外獲得
跑手包領取安排 | Race Pack Pick-up Arrangement |
日期 | Date | 時間 | Time | 地點 | Venue | |
實體跑 Physical Race | 2023年11月23-29日 November 23-29, 2023 |
星期一至五 MON-FRI 11:00–19:30 星期六 SAT 11:00-16:30 星期日及公眾假期休息 SUN & Public Holiday Closed |
Trailblazer 九龍灣宏照道11號寶隆中心B座3樓308室Unit 308, 3/F, BLK B, Po Lung Centre, 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay. |
線上跑 Virtual Run | 2023年11月18-29日 November 18-29, 2023 |
星期一至五 MON-FRI 11:00–19:30 星期六 SAT 11:00-16:30 星期日及公眾假期休息 SUN & Public Holiday Closed |
Trailblazer 九龍灣宏照道11號寶隆中心B座3樓308室Unit 308, 3/F, BLK B, Po Lung Centre, 11 Wang Chiu Road, Kowloon Bay. |
備註:線上跑參加者請帶同所捐贈之罐頭。 |
注意事項 | Important Notices
- 參加者須確保身體狀況良好並適合參加本活動。
- 請參加者事前做好充足的準備,以及合適良好狀況的裝備進行活動,確保個人裝置有足夠電池應付及其導航功能的正常運作。
- 參加者在出發前應先規劃路線,可以參考大會提供的路線地圖/GPX檔。
- 參加者須時刻留意天氣及路況,謹記安全至上。
- 參加者須注意自身的安全及尊重其他道路使用者,並遵守交通規則;自己的垃圾,記得隨身帶走,以免污染郊野公園。
- 如遇特別事故,屬非大會所能控制的情況 (如: 颱風、暴雨、自然災禍等) 活動必需取消,一般情況下,報名費將不獲安排退款;大會概不承擔任何追究/責任。
- 任何與活動有關的臨時改動或取消,將以活動網站/Facebook專頁公佈為準。 如有任何爭議,大會保留最終決定權。
- Participants should ensure their health conditions are suitable for participation of the event.
- Please be prepared and you should check your watch or smartphone are charged and works well including the GPS tracking function.
- You should plan the route before you start. The map/gpx files are available for reference.
- You should pay attention to the environment and be safe at all times.
- You should respect other road users and follow the rules. Please keep away your waste from the country parks.
- Should the event be cancelled due to weather or other circumstances beyond the control of the organiser or in the case of a force majeure resulting in the event being cancelled, no refund will be made. The event organiser shall have no other responsibilities and/or liabilities.
- Any amendment to the event will be posted on the website/Facebook page. In case of depute, the decision of Organizer shall be final.
大會免責聲明 | Terms & Conditions
- 參加者必須承擔一切風險,自行購買個人意外保險,如有任何與自身有關的健康及傷亡情況,大會概不負責。參加者不得向大會索償及追究責任,但大會會盡能力提供有限度協助。
- 參加者必須仔細閱讀活動詳情及注意事項。遞交報名表後,即表示參加者遵守及接受大會引入之安排。
- You should take your own risk and are suggested to buy personal insurance. The organizing committee have no responsibility whatsoever for injuries, losses, or damages of any kind that result from your participation.
- Please read the above details, important notices, terms and conditions. Submitting the registration form indicates you agree with the above details, important notices, terms and conditions.
比賽結果 | Race Results
贊助商 / 支持單位 | Sponsors & Supporting Parties