CAN RUN 2020


Why we run with “CAN”

The idea of “CAN RUN” originated from the food banks on the island at Zheng Sheng College where “CAN food” is required to feed their students and staff under extreme weather conditions, when no public transportation is available to replenish their food supply. The word “CAN” represents both “CAN” food as well as Trailblazer’s belief that everybody “CAN” RUN!

Following last year’s zealous CAN RUN 2019 to support Christian Zheng Sheng College, let us join hands again this year to build a “can hill” with love and power! 


基督教正生書院校舍位置偏遠,因惡劣天氣、交通不便有機會導致“斷水斷糧”,罐頭“食物銀行”能夠緩衝應付全校師生及職員在極端情況下的膳食需要。所以,“CAN RUN” 越野山跑賽其一意思為正生書院籌罐頭,其二是 Trailblazer 正面鼓勵 “人人能跑” 的信念。  

2020年希望延續大家對 CAN RUN 的熱情和對受惠團體基督教正生書院的支持 — 今年座 “罐頭山” 點少得你/妳嗰罐!


Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau

CAN RUN 2020 Foreword

The 2020 we are experiencing is very different from what we all imagined. CAN RUN is in its third year, with plans for a newly designed 21km route, participating organisations, VIP list, “siu mai”, fish ball at refreshment stations, and many other intricacies. Our plans, however, could not keep up with the rapid changes and uncontrollable circumstances, leading to great uncertainty about whether or not the event can be smoothly held. We realised after careful consideration that since we’re all adapting to a new normal, we might as well shake things up and think out of the box, with the same ambition, but with even greater strength, extent, and passion.

As before, the beneficiary of CAN RUN is Christian Zheng Sheng College. Aside from meeting our canned food donation targets, it is also important to raise funds for the Christian Zheng Sheng Association’s daily functioning.

As such, while CAN RUN 2020 continues to uphold the twofold “CAN” spirit, in order to increase your interest and commitment, we have added two new awards. The “Highest fundraiser” award, to recognise exemplary fundraising efforts, and “The Most Influential Person” award, to award those who through their powerful influence encourage more people to support Zheng Sheng and join CAN RUN.

CAN RUN 2020 前言

大家正經歷不一樣的2020,關於CAN RUN,今年是第三屆,原先已擬定好全新面貌嘅21km路線、計劃邀請參加的團體、VIP嘉賓名單、補給站嘅港式小食等細節;計劃卻趕不上變化,畢竟許多未能掌握的外在因素,令賽事能否順利舉行存在不確定性。經過考量,既然新常態下倒不如就轉下玩法配合,跳出限制,目標依舊,還望力量或會更大、更廣、更投入。

一如既往,CAN RUN的受惠機構基督教正生書院,除了達成捐贈罐頭的目標,幫助正生會維持日常運作,籌募經費亦相當重要。

因此,CAN RUN 2020繼續秉承2“CAN”精神之餘,為加強大家的投入程度,增設2個新獎項,包括「最具人氣善長人翁」獎和「最具影響力」獎,前者是今年特別加入為參加者打氣的贊助方案,鼓勵籌得最高款項的參加者,後者即考你/牙力借助個人影響力,令更多人支持正生、參加CAN RUN,成為最多人因你/妳推動而參加CAN RUN的能力者。


CAN RUN 2020 Game Rules 

No time limit, flexible finish time
Participants need only finish 21km within the time period specified by the organiser (not required to finish in one go) and upload a photo of the relevant details of completion to the CAN RUN page.

No set route
Participants can design their own 21km route, be it a road trail, mountain trail, or even a run at home – as long as it is 21km

No geographic limitation

Participants are welcome to join from anywhere in the world!

    CAN RUN 2020 玩法逐點睇


    每名參加者只要在大會指定時段內完成21km (不限1次過完成),並將完成資料以相片格式上載至 CAN RUN專頁帖子 


    參加者可自訂21km路線,路跑、山跑均可,甚至run at home,只要夠21km




      Date: Open on September 15, 2020 and close on November 30,2020 (The first 400 participants will receive a complementary CAN RUN water bottle)

      Fee: HKD$150 (For every $150 of fee received, the Organiser will donate $50 to Christian Zheng Sheng College)

      Eligibility: 6 years old or above (participants under the age of 18 will require parent/legal guardian consent)

      Every participant will receive a “Can Run 2020 Limited Edition Gift Pack” (worth over HKD$200) ; collection place: Trailblazer store in Kowloon Bay, 

      which includes

      1. Water resistant card pouch
      2. Cotton canvas tote bag
      3. Can Run Buff
      4. Who’s Aromist mosquito repellent
      5. Trailblazer $50 cash voucher
      6. My Meat Run Laboratory dining coupon


      After signing up, participants will receive an acknowledgement email. Please take note of your “CAN RUN 2020 Reference ID ” and keep the confirmation email.

      (Image for reference only) 


      日期:2020年9月15日至11月30日止 (首400名參加者可獲贈CAN RUN水樽乙個)

      費用:港幣$150元正 (每收取$150報名費,大會將捐贈$50元正予基督教正生書院)

      參加年齡:滿6歲或以上 (未滿18歲的參加者需得到家長/監護人同意)


      每名參加者均會獲得「CAN RUN 2020 限定禮品包」乙份 (Trailblazer九龍灣店領取),總值超過港幣$200,禮品包括

      1. 防水拉鏈輕便錢包
      2. 棉帆布袋
      3. 多用途圍巾
      4. Who’s Aromist 驅蚊劑
      5. Trailblazer $50現金券
      6. 走肉蔬食研究所餐廳禮券

          參加者報名後,將以收到大會發出之確認電郵為準,請務必存取閣下之“CAN RUN 2020參考編號


          Remarks for Participants

          After you have signed up, aside from meeting the 21km target, it’s time to Get Up And Go (GUAG)!   

          Get your friends
          Share the CAN RUN 2020 website on social media or with family and friends. Remind them to input your contact number in the referral box when they sign up to help you win the “Most Influential Person” award!
            Up your fundraising game
            Donations can be made through an online platform . Details will be announced later.  Stay tuned!  You are one step closer to the “Highest fundraiser” award!
              Angle your shot
              If you’re already taking nice photos, why not enter to compete for the “Most Stunning Landscape Photo” or “Most Meaningful Photo” awards?
                Get canned food
                This year you don’t have to carry cans while running, but remember to donate! canned! food! The participant who donates the most cans will be awarded the “Heaviest Can Food Donor” award.
                (Please stay tuned with the donation arrangement).



                記緊提醒由你/妳推薦的參加者,網上報名需輸入推薦人報名CAN RUN的手提電話號碼,以累積競逐「最具影響力」

                是次籌款/贊助可通過網上平台,詳情請留意大會公佈;  你將會有機會參加競逐「最具人氣善長人翁」獎的得主。

                今年唔駛揹住罐頭跑,但都要記得上Trailblazer捐罐頭!捐罐頭!捐罐頭!個人總計捐出最重罐頭仲會獲頒「經典最具份量罐頭」獎 (捐贈罐頭流程將容後公布)


                Contests and Awards

                Other than the Limited Edition Gift Pack, participants can compete for 5 creative themed awards! Details are as follows:

                1. ”Heaviest Can Food Donor ”award

                Please note that this year, calculations will be made based on the total number of cans donated by each participant 

                2. ”Highest Fundraiseraward

                It’s about fundraising as much as running! This is for the participant who fundraises the greatest amount

                This award is for whom raises the greatest amount in #CANRUN for #Christian Zheng Sheng College  👏🏻

                Participants, please follow the following procedures and share with your friendsss!

                [1] Sponsors please use this link to input information

                [2] Last but not least, please make sure to input the "CAN RUN 2020 Reference Number" in "Remarks" field. E.g CR2020A000013


                3. ”Most Influential Person” award

                Get support, but also be supportive! This is for the participant who encourages the most people to join

                4. ”Most Stunning Landscape Photo” award *

                Capture and share the best views from your 21km journey! 

                [1] Participants please use this link  to input information

                [2] Participantion close on November 30,2020

                5. ”Most Meaningful Photo” award *

                Through your photo and title/caption, share your feelings or blessings from joining CAN RUN!

                [1] Participants please use this link  to input information

                [2] Participantion close on November 30,2020

                * Participants should sign up to compete according to procedures set out by the Organiser. The Judging Panel will make the final decision of awardees. Please refer to the webpage/Facebook for updates.






                藉 #CANRUN 能為 #基督教正生書院 籌得最高款項的善長人翁 


                [1] 贊助人使用此連結 輸入各欄位的資料

                [2] 捐錢之餘,謹記於“備註”欄輸入贊助該名CAN RUN參加者嘅 “CAN RUN 2020參考編號”以作統計,例 👉🏼 CR2020A000013


                捕捉及分享你/妳21km 的最好風光

                [1] 參加者使用此連結 輸入各欄位的資料

                [2] 截止日期為2020年11月30日

                透過相片和名題,表達你/妳對參與CAN RUN的感覺/祝福

                [1] 參加者使用此連結 輸入各欄位的資料

                [2] 截止日期為2020年11月30日





                致CAN RUN 參加者 / To CAN RUN Participants

                成功報名後,你/妳隨時ready就可以隨時開始喇,並切記遵守防疫措施,安全健康第一;每位參加者完跑後緊記完成以下步驟,開心share你/妳Can Run 21公里的special moment:

                You may start completing 21km at your own pace after registration. In order to complete the run, please also follow the steps below: 

                步驟 1 / Step 1 

                2020年11月30日23:59前回覆此 Facebook 帖子  / Please reply this Facebook Post before 30 Nov 2020 23:59

                - 上載終點相片1張 / Upload a photo of finish point

                - 個人參考編號及終點 / CAN RUN 2020 Reference ID & Location of finish point

                - Tag一位最想立刻同佢分享嘅The One及 / Tag a friend and

                hashtag #CANRUN2020 


                步驟 2 / Step 2 

                於 Trailblazer 領取「CAN RUN 2020 限定禮品包」及 捐贈罐頭 (罐頭有限期最少有一年,從捐贈日期起計)/

                “Can Run 2020 Limited Edition Gift Pack” collection and Can donation (the expiry date of the Can Food should be at least 1 year from the date of donation.)

                預計禮品包領取日期:12月初 / Tentative gift pack collection date : early December

                詳情請繼續留意本專頁更新 / Please stay tuned for further updates on this page


                【Sponsors / Supporting Parties】 

                【CAN RUN 2020 特別版✨來了~~~】

                Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau


                【CAN RUN 2020 特別版✨召喚學生生力軍】

                Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau

                For English version, please click here.


                【CAN RUN 2020 特別版✨最強後援 “Forrest Gump” 跑團】

                Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau


                【CAN RUN 2020 特別版✨「最具人氣善長人翁」獎】

                Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau


                【CAN RUN 2020 特別版✨Attention please❗️】

                Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau


                【CAN RUN 2020 特別版 Finisher揮手區 】

                Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau


                【CAN RUN 2020 特別版✨競逐最佳跑友視角】

                Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau


                【CAN RUN 2020 特別版✨跑出香港】

                Credit to Ariel Hau - Photography & Editing / 特別感謝拍攝及製作 Ariel Hau